UPSC Prelims Subject-Wise Weightage

Introduction to UPSC Prelims

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) administers the Civil Services Examination (CSE) in three stages: preliminary, mains, and interview. The Prelims test, commonly known as the Civil Services Aptitude Test, is the first stage of the CSE (CSAT). Mains examination selects students through this test.
UPSC Candidates ask about the subject-wise weightage of the UPSC Prelims test most frequently. This post will go through the topic weightage of the UPSC Prelims test.

The UPSC Prelims test is divided into two sections: General Studies Paper 1 and General Studies Paper 2. (CSAT). The General Studies Paper 1 covers questions on history, geography, politics, economics, the environment and ecology, science and technology, and other subjects.

On the other hand, the General Studies Paper 2 (CSAT) tests the candidate’s aptitude, comprehension, and analytical skills.

Subject-wise weightage of the General Studies Paper 1

Let’s take a deeper look at the General Studies Paper 1 topic weightage:

History: History is One of the most essential courses in the UPSC Prelims test . These are questions on ancient, mediaeval, and current Indian history. In the Prelims test, History is weighted between 10% and 15%.

Geography: The Prelims test includes questions on physical geography, Indian geography, international geography, and environmental ecology. Geographical weightage in the Prelims test ranges from 10% to 15%.

Polity: This subject covers issues of the Indian Constitution, government, and politics. In the Prelims test, polity is weighted between 10% and 15%.

Economics: This subject covers concerns about the Indian economy as well as international economic organisations. Economics is worth 5% to 10% of the Prelims test weightage.

Environment and Ecology: Both General Studies Paper 1 and Paper 2 include questions on environment and ecology. The Prelims test assigns a weightage of 5% to 10% to these topics.

Science and Technology: Scientific and technological advances in India and throughout the world are discussed. Weightage of Science and technology are between 5% and 10% in the Prelims test.

In the Prelims test, questions on current affairs and static GK (General Knowledge) are included along with the courses stated above. Between 25% and 30% are the weightage of Current Affairs in the Prelims test.

Subject-wise weightage of the General Studies Paper 2

Moving on to the General Studies Paper 2 (CSAT), the topic weightage is as follows:

Comprehension: This topic assesses the candidate’s reading and comprehension abilities. The CSAT test gives understanding a weightage of 25% to 30%.

Interpersonal skills, including communication abilities: This topic assesses the candidate’s communication abilities as well as their capacity to communicate with others. On the CSAT test, Interpersonal Skill is worth 25% to 30% of the Prelims test weightage.

Logical reasoning and analytical ability: This Topic tests the logical reasoning and analytical abilities of the candidate. The CSAT test gives logical thinking and analytical abilities a weightage of 25% to 30%.

Decision-making and problem-solving: This topic assesses the candidate’s ability to make decisions and solve problems. The CSAT test gives decision-making and problem-solving a weightage of 5% to 10%.

Finally, candidates must comprehend the subject-wise weightage of the UPSC Prelims test. It assists students in prioritising their preparation and focusing on the most crucial areas. While the importance of each subject varies.
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